Hist 206 mcgill syllabus. Soske A hist200_fall2012_soske.
Hist 206 mcgill syllabus ca Office hours: M 14. Laura Madokoro E-mai l: laura. In exceptional cases, other history courses given outside HIST may be counted as All HIST courses at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. walker@mcgill. Pollock & Staff 210 Perspectives of Science A. It's very easy to get an A in this class. 3 credits; Fall & winter Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025 Enter your keywords Search scope Entire Site Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Arts B. Fr; eCalendar. Pre-2019 History Programs *Students who entered the program prior to Fall 2019 may choose to follow the program requirements as stated below, or switch to the new Fall 2019 program requirements. Soske A hist200_fall2012_soske. ca Teaching Assistants Graders Kelvin Chan (chun. Primary material includes key treatises, songs, letters, photographs, cartoons, government documents, and ephemera, which are enhanced by video interviews with scholars and numerous topical critical documentary essays specially commissioned for the project by Alexander Street Press. McGill University. Since I only need two more courses to graduate, I was wondering if any History majors/minors/honours people would have some recommendations for courses with not too many readings/written work and an interesting topic (300 level or above). If you wish to take WCOM 245 (formerly CESL 400) or WCOM 255 (formerly CESL 500) you will need to take a placement test. (See below under Academic integrity for more details. Continuing Studies Dental Medicine & Oral HS Education Engineering Environment Interfaculty Studies Law Management Medicine & Health Sciences Music Nursing Physical and HIST 205: Ancient Mediterranean History MWF, 3:35-4:25 PM McGill University Macdonald Harrington G- 10 Fall 20 23. Some Faculties will not block your registration based on missing prerequisites or restrictions. Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025 Enter your keywords Search scope Entire Site Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Arts B. pdf from HIST 223 at McGill University. Hendricks 215 Introduction to Ecology & Evolution N. vankeerberghen@mcgill. madokoro@mcgill. Continuing Studies Dental Medicine & Oral HS Education Engineering Environment Interfaculty Studies Law Management Medicine & Health Sciences Music Nursing Physical and History : Transformation of the Roman world, 1st-7th CE. ca Although HIST 205 is being offered as a fully in-person course, the course structure and syllabus are subject to changes in cases of emergency, such as if the public health situation deteriorates, or if new public health regulations are adopted by McGill or the government of Quebec. Théophraste Fady theophraste@mcgill COURSE LIBRARIAN : Dr Mary Yearl, Osler Library of the History of Medicine "MY COURSES" This course makes use of "My Courses". Students may count a maximum of 3 credits of HIST 498 or HIST 499 toward the 6-credits of 400-level or higher courses required for the History Major Concentration. Instructor Prof. k. I haven't taken HIST 208 or anything else with Prof. Overall good prof, the nature of the course is boring so forgive him for being a bad lecturer. Vankeerberghen, but if you're into Chinese history Prof. COMP 402D1. McGill policy statements Language of submission “In aord with MGill University’s harter of Students’ Rights, students in this course have the right to submit in English or in French written work that is to be graded. Instructor: Brahm Kleinman, Dr. The McGill Biology Students Union offers a bursary to defer course costs in support of students taking a Biology field course. HIST 206 Indian Ocean World History (3 Below is a list of all undergraduate history (HIST) courses currently offered by the Department of History and Classical Studies. ca) Gregory Bouchard (Gregory. 5. Books. (2) faith@mcgill; TEACHING ASSISTANTS : Hannah Soroka hannah@mcgill Claire Roth claire@mcgill. 6, ed. pdf. 178 to the end during the first week of the course. To encourage breadth, the major programs in History (Major, Honours and Joint Honours) limit the number of courses that students may take in any one area. Recent Professors. This does not apply to courses in which acquiring proficiency in a language is one of the objectives. ” (Approved by Please refer to Minerva - Class Schedule for the most up-to-date timetable information Fall 2012: Course No. It is highly recommended that you meet with an adviser before switching to be sure you are meeting all requirements. Terms: Fall 2024 . Lewis is offering Hist 386 (Twentieth Century Britain) in the fall and Hist 347 (history and sexuality 2) in the winter. umana@mail. All of history courses are listed under one of four "Areas": [1] Americas, [2] Europe, [3] Africa/Asia/Middle East, and [4] Global/Thematic. null 3pm EDKP 206-964 - 3:05 PM-4:55 PM CURRIE 304. Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year. A. ca) Course description Modern East Asian History is an Oct 8, 2024 · Contains primary documents and scholarly commentary in a searchable collection. ca Office hours: Wednesdays 3-4:30pm ET (Montréal time) on Zoom (link posted on MyCourses) Teaching assistants: Carmen Umana: carmen. Please consult the Minerva Class Schedule for the most up-to-date list of course offerings for the current academic year. HIST 208 Introduction to East Asian History Fall 2022. Course Syllabus HIST-319: The Scientific Revolution Winter Semester 2019 CRN 18525 Time: Tuesdays, Thursdays 14:30-16:00 (14:35-15:55) Place: Otto Maas 217 Instructor: Prof. Instructors: Kleinman, Brahm (Winter) Prerequisite: HIST 205, HIST 275, HIST 212 or CLAS 201 recommended. , a topics course, or a thematic course Historique : Examination of a selected theme or subject in intellectual history and/or the history of ideas. EDKP 206-3507 - 9am 8:35 AM-10:25 AM CURRIE 304 null. . Not open to students who have taken HIST 413. CLAS 303 Ancient Greek Religion (3 credits) Document HIST 215 2023-24 syllabus. Considers various perspectives and narratives of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire based on historical and material evidence. pdf from INTD HIST 366 at McGill University. Notes: 200-level cognate courses count against the 15-credit limit of 200-level courses allowed for the program. If you entered the program after Fall 2019 you must follow the new program Introduction to /r/mcgill (4 credits). preliminary draft syllabus 1 McGill University HIST 223 NATIVES OF THE AMERICAS Fall 2012 McDonald-Harrington G-10 M/W/F 12:35-1:25 Instructor: Allan Greer Office: Leacock 828 email: allan. 12pm . MCGILL UNIVERSITY INTRODUCTION TO SOUTH ASIAN HISTORY HIST 209 | FALL 2024 Venue: LEA 219 Class time and days: Mondays Class syllabus hist200 fall 2020 syllabus please note draft as of august 26, 2020 subject to minor revision history 200: introduction to african history class Department of History Major Concentration in History (36 credits) Program Advising/Audit Form (updated October 2020) Major Program Requirements: Complementary Courses (36 credits) 36 credits of history courses (HIST courses or selected courses offered in other units see list below) according to the - following requirements: McGill University 3600 rue University Montréal, QC Canada H3A 2T8: General inquiries: +1 514 398 6490 / secretariat@physics. Jewish History: 400 B. HIST 213 Syllabus Fall 2021. Students may only register for this course once. Students must register for both COMP 402D1 and COMP 402D2. Not open to students with credit in HIST 206 HIST 199 at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. pdf, Subject History, from McGill University, Length: 10 pages, Preview: 1 HIST 215, Winter 2024 THE HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE PROFESSOR ELIZABETH ELBOURNE Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 12:30—1:30. The assignments are: cover letter + resumè, research project, business proposal (this is the oral presentation - you work in a group of around 4 people), and possibly quizzes depending on your prof. Data Recovery. Desbarats A [course medium HIST 207] G. TENTATIVE COURSE Apr 17, 2008 · HIST 388: The Second World War MWF 11. Therefore, all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences Sophia@mail. 210 if you’re taking it with Badhra, she’ll give weekly quizzes (not fun), and bi-weekly labs. Course Description: Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025 Enter your keywords Search scope Entire Site Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Arts B. This syllabus is designed to be used through the web site at: http Any thoughts on HIST 262: Mediterranean and European Interconnections ? It's taught online (and not on-field) this June. to 2:25 p. MWF 11:35 AM - 12:25 PM Rutherford Physics Building 112. Abouheif/J. CIVE 206 - Dynamics. Brian Lewis Office: Leacock 613 Phone: 514-398-1084 E-mail: brian. & Sc. 30-10. Once you have selected your courses, please ensure to have them verified by your Advisor (ensure your program checklist is ready to go!). Had the 2 online 20% midterms and a 10% in person quiz with him grade scheme, all of them were pretty fair, unlike other other profs who try to trick you. 222 has bi-weekly labs and PPs that alternate. Modern East Asia History Instructor: Office: Phone/e-mail: Office Hours: Class room: Time: HIST 218 (Winter Mar 7, 2019 · HIST 219 SYLLABUS Advice: Read the textbook, pp. The following non-HIST courses may be counted toward the History major concentration. greer@mcgill. 1865 with Prof. HIST 215, Winter 2012 THE HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE Professor Elizabeth Elbourne MWF, 1:30-2:30 McConnell Engineering Building, room 204 MY CONTACT DETAILS Office: Ferrier Building, room 492 Office hours: Monday 2:30-3:20; Wednesday 9:30-10:45 Elizabeth. m. HIST 206. NOTE: Instructions are bolded, followed by examples. COMP-206 School of Computer Science 1 Of 7 www. African Studies Major Minor Joint Honours African Studies Established in 1969, the African Studies Program at McGill was the first of its kind in Canada. ca Course Outline Course Name: COMP 206 sets the stage for follow-on courses COMP-273, COMP-307 and Studying Comp 206 Introduction to Software Systems at McGill University? On Studocu you will find 46 practice materials, 27 lecture notes, 25 mandatory assignments Studying Hist 201 Modern African History at McGill University? On Studocu you will find summaries and much more for Hist 201 McGill Mar 9, 2020 · HIST 203: Canada Since 1867 Winter 2019 _____ Instructor: Dr. mcgill): LEA 111A, Thursday, 1-2 PM Catherine Rudnicki (catherine@mail. bell@mail. Depends on the prof, some are more strict but curve, some don’t, really depends. rueck@mcgill. Bachelor of Arts (B. HIST 208. Fr; Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025. I still need to do two more courses to graduate with my minor in History and I am having trouble with the amount of reading, writing, and memorization necessary to get an A in the previous courses I took (HIST 205, HIST 368, HIST 388). ca COURSE SYLLABUS History, edited by Jennifer Brown and Elizabeth Historique : In depth survey of a single African country (other than South Africa), including the pre-colonial history of the region, colonialism, and post-colonial economic, cultural and political history. Jeremy Tai's your guy - I took HIST 209 (Modern East Asian History) and HIST 338 (Twentieth Century China) with him and Modern East Asian History (Hist 218) 7 7 documents. & Title Instructor AREA Syllabus (Draft) [course medium HIST 195] N. Course Outlines Please note: Course outlines of record posted may vary from the section syllabus distributed by each instructor (e. Form is open from September 3rd, 2024 (10:00am) - September 10th, 2024 (3:00pm) to allow time for processing (students must use their McGill email address). to 4:00 p. 30 This course surveys the main political, social, economic, cultural and military aspects of the Second World War, from the Treaty of Versailles to the beginning of the Cold War. docx. Watt/M. S. Students should continue to attempt to register as there is constant fluctuation in courses. Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year. Room: BURN 1B Date/time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9. Students should refer to this list when registering for courses to ensure that they satisfy "area McGill University. Thanks ! Newly Admitted Students U0 (Foundation) Program Information If you are coming to McGill directly from high school or entering with 0-23 credits of Advanced Standing, you are a Foundation student (U0), and you must complete the 30 credit Foundation Program. The Program offers courses across the disciplines leading to a Minor and Major Concentration and a Joint Honors Program, allowing students many exciting opportunities to explore a wide range of political, historical, social, economic, and The courses listed below can be used to satisfy the pre-1800 temporal breadth requirements of the History Major, Honours, and Joint Honours programs. For more information, see Programs, Courses and University Regulations. Terms: Winter 2025 . Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for COMP 206 : at McGill University. Restrictions: Only for students in the Joint Honours in Computer Science and Biology. It is the student's Posted by u/Mundane_Double_7700 - 5 votes and 2 comments I think History courses of any level would probably be a bit more challenging for a non-Arts student than ENGL 440. 10am. CLAS 303 Ancient Greek Religion (3 credits) HIST 203 ratings of professors: at McGill University (Survey: Canada since 1867) - Rate My Courses Modern East Asian History (Hist 218) 7 7 documents. 0, and have completed BIOL 206 and BIOL 215. mcgill Office hour: Tuesday 10:00-11:00 AM at Leacock 111A. An objective description of course material. Kirsten@mcgill. Leonard Moore - HIST 388 The Second World War with Prof. No credit will be given for this course unless both sections are successfully completed in consecutive terms. I'm currently coming to the end of my History minor and I have difficulty finding enjoyable and not-extremely-hard courses in the program. If you are unable to register you will have to take the course another term. HISTORY 206 Spring 2014 Introduction to the History of Technology. Additional courses may be submitted for consideration to the Undergraduate Program Director. Continuing Studies Dental Medicine & Oral HS Education Engineering Environment Interfaculty Studies Law Management Medicine & Health Sciences Music Nursing Physical and Historique : Examination of a selected theme or topic in the history of the Indian Ocean World. However, you should always select from courses at the 206 Methods in Biology of Organisms L. mohite@mail. ca / Vue d'ensemble / Tous les cours HIST 298 Topics in History (3 unités) Offered by: Histoire et études classiques ( Arts et service social ) HIST 206 Indian Ocean World History – An introduction to the “global” system connecting eastern Africa, the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia, and the Far East, from the earliest times to c. ca Office: Ferrier 329 Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2:30 p. cs. The sections of the guide include: All of history courses are listed under one of four "Areas": [1] Americas, [2] Europe, [3] Africa/Asia/Middle East, and [4] Global/Thematic. pdf - McLennan-Redpath Pages 8. Price//E. Learning Outcomes This survey course provides an overview of major themes and moments in Canadian history while encouraging you to think Oct 13, 2019 · EDKP- EDKP-206 206 BIOMECHANICS OF HUMAN MOVEMENT BIOMECHANICS OF HUMAN MOVEMENT (CRN (CRN 962) 962) Department of Kinesiology & Physical Education, McGill University JANUARY-APRIL 2019 INSTRUCTORS: David J Pearsall, PhD, Associate Professor Office: Currie Memorial Gymnasium, Room A215 Phone: (514) 398-4400 extension 0472 email: david. To learn more about McGill’s policy, including how to report a complaint, visit this site: mcgill/how-to-report/. Sample syllabus ###300-Level. history, including: contact and settlement, American Revolution, slavery, westward expansion, early California, Civil War, and California and U. Every department of eng needs to take it i think except for chem eng and the class sizes are like 25 people hence why there so many profs. Available from Paragraphe Bookstore, 2220 McGill-College: (1) John Merriman, A History of Modern Europe (4th edition). 1 EDKP- 206 BIOMECHANICS OF HUMAN MOVEMENT (CRN 962) Department of Kinesiology & Physical Education, McGill University JANUARY-APRIL 2019 INSTRUCTORS: David J Office: Phone: email: Pearsall, PhD, Associate Professor Currie Memorial Gymnasium, Room A215 (5 ITAL 206 Course syllabus – Fall 2020 their compositions corrected by native speakers or any other person. ca Teaching Assistants: Sean Denroche, Neil Nov 25, 2024 · View 2024F HIST 209 Syllabus 1. Indian Ocean World History. If you think a particular “Special Topics” course may be appropriate for the COMS Minor please suggest it to the Undergraduate Program Director. Below is a list of complementary courses offered by other departments at McGill Anthropology [course medium ANTH 338] Art History [course medium ARTH 302] Economics [course medium ECON 219] [course medium ECON 303] [course medium ECON 305] [course medium ECON 308] English [course medium ENGL 228] [course medium ENGL 229] [course medium ENGL 313] [course medium ENGL 393] French Language and What I loved about HIST 226 is that it was easy but also enriching and informative. - Monastic Studies - ORB :The On-line Reference Book for Medieval Studies - Online Medieval and Classical Library. 2 AMF SB. 1 HIST 218 Modern East Asian History Tuesdays, 1135 January 12-April 13, inclusive ONLINE Professor Gavin Walker email: gavin. ca Office hour: Tuesday 10:00-11:00 AM at Leacock 111A Xinyu Zhang xinyu. ca Graduate affairs: +1 514 398 6485 / graduate@physics. Please note that students may take a maximum of 6 credits of complementary courses outside of Communication Studies. COMP-206 School of Computer Science 9 Of 10 Please note that to protect the privacy of the students, the University will only reply to the students on their McGill e-mail account. Nicholas Dew [firstname (dot) lastname (at) mcgill (dot) ca] Office hours: TBA; or by appointment, Leacock 623 Teaching Assistant (TA): Mike Davis (for contact details, and office hours, see myCourses) Eamon Duffy, Liaison Librarian 200 Level 300 Level 350+ Level 400 Level 500 Level 600 Level 200 Level Courses (Introductory) Course Topic/Syllabus [course medium ANTH 201] Winter 2021 ANTH201 Syllabus [course medium ANTH 202] [course medium ANTH 203] [course medium ANTH 204] Winter 2021 ANTH204 Syllabus [course medium ANTH 206] Fall 2020 ANTH 206 Syllabus [course medium ANTH 207] [course medium ANTH 208] [course medium ANTH CIVE 206 at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. EDKP 206-003 EDKP 206-963 - 962 1 times 2 hrs/wk 11am 10:35 AM-12:25 PM 10:35 AM-12:25 PM CURRIE 304 CURRIE 408/ nullnull. James Krapfl - HIST 351 Themes in US History s. Courses listed in the complementary course list as HIST equivalent (e. mcgill Communication plan: if you have a question about the course, send us an email (mention “HIST 201” in the subject). Dew G/T HIST 197 FYS: Race in Latin AmericaNOTE: Cancelled A [course medium HIST 200] J. As a Foundation student, you do not have a defined set of courses that you must take. sayeed@mail. fleischmann@mcgill. Instructors: Monaville, Pedro (Fall) Prerequisite(s): HIST 200, HIST 201, HIST 206 or AFRI 200 recommended. 35-12. 2pm . to 1000. j. McGill University Fall 2020 Instructor: Adam Fleischmann Department of Anthropology, McGill University Email: adam. History and Sexuality 1 is also interesting, but its taught by Nancy Partner. HIST 362 is also easy to get an A in, so long as you put in a respectable amount of effort into the ANTH 206 (Fall 2019) Syllabus. ca Location: Trottier Building 1080 Class times: Mon, Wed, Fri | 10h35 – 11h25 Office Hours: Tuesday 12-1pm, Wednesday 2-3pm or by appointment. Enter your keywords . Apr 21, 2024 · History document from McGill University, 10 pages, McGILL UNIVERSITY HIST 203: CANADA SINCE 1867 (Winter Term, 2024) Course Instructor: Professor David Wright Timetable: M, W, F*; Lea 26; 13h35-14h25 *no Friday lecture during weeks when small-group Conferences are scheduled Office: Ferrier 328 E-mail: dav HIST 208 Introduction to East Asian History Fall 2022. No pre-requisites Class location: STBIO N 2 / 2 Time: MW 8 :35- 9 : 5 5pm Professor: Prof. pearsall@mcgill. Daniel Rueck Email: daniel. There is, throughout, a special emphasis on the role of Indian Ocean Africa (IOA) in the wider Indian Ocean World (IOW). 8 Introduction Textbook, 178-208 Course Pack: Michael Toch, “Demography and Migrations,” in Cambridge History of Judaism, vol. Office hour: Friday 2–3 pm and by appointment. mcgill): LEA 111A, Wednesday 2-3 PM Also, if anyone has the syllabus to any of these courses, I would greatly appreciate if you could share that with me :) Thanks a lot! - HIST 306 East Central Europe 1944-2004 with Prof. Students should refer to this list when registering for courses to ensure that they satisfy "area HIST 208 Introduction to East Asian History Fall 2022. Robert Chazan, Cambridge UP Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025 Enter your keywords Search scope Entire Site Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Arts B. wen@mail. Note: Page numbers refer to the 2 nd ed. ca History : An introduction to the history of the ancient Mediterranean world, focusing on Greek and Roman civilization. Griet Vankeerberghen griet@mcgill. Courses at the 200 level are recommended for students as electives or as the first courses to take if you are interested in a minor concentration in that area. mcgill. zhang5@mail. ca Comments and suggestions: webmaster@physics. How hard is the class ? If anyone has a syllabus, I'd also be interested. 25 Prof. The rise of the internet. Terms: Automne 2024 . Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025. Please note, some courses may have department restrictions, meaning Minerva will prevent ECSE 206 at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. Hundert G/T hist207 Studying Hist 203 Survey: Canada since 1867 at McGill University? On Studocu you will find 15 practice materials, lecture notes, summaries, essays and much more for 2019 Syllabus EDKP 206 Biomechanics of Human Movement_draft v3. The core courses offered within the program focus on engaging with Indigenous knowledge systems and societies from within, in ways that promote the resurgence of these systems does anyone know what text is used in this course? it’s not coming up on the mcgill bookstore and the syllabus hasn’t been provided yet - just hoping to get my hands on it before the semester starts Survey of the first half of U. CLAS 304) are counted as HIST courses, not as "cognate" courses. Consult the lists below for Faculty of Education approved Foundation courses You must have your fall and winter course selections verified prior to the start of classes. Total views 14 Note: Many courses are “Special Topics” courses whose subject matter changes from year to year. New York: Norton Sep 25, 2021 · If a student chooses to forward University e-mail to another e-mail mailbox, it is that student's responsibility to ensure that the alternate account is viable. I’ve only taken a few history courses but it seems that 208 is very manageable. Continuing Studies Dental Medicine & Oral HS Education Engineering Environment Interfaculty Studies Law Management Medicine & Health Sciences Music Nursing Physical and How hard is the jump from 300 level to 400 level courses in poli sci and history? Do people usually take the minimum number of 400 level courses required for their major (1 in Poli, 2 for hist), or do they take more than required? Does it matter and how does it affect grad school/law school/future employment? Thanks McGill University. HIST 205 Course Syllabus hist 205: ancient mediterranean history hist 205: ancient mediterranean history mwf, pm see course structure) mcgill university fall. Faculty regulations stipulate that a course may not be counted toward more than one program. A. elbourne@mcgill. may be different MEDIEVAL WESTERN EUROPE (ASHKENAZ) Jan. Don't just copy from the syllabus or the course calendar. Particular attention to how race, class, and gender shaped changing definitions of freedom and equality. pdf [couse medium HIST 202] C. World History 1300-2000 (Hist 213) university-level research in history, from navigating McGill's library History : The history of the Cold War. Pedro Monaville pedro@mcgill Office hours: W 1 0 : 15 - 11 : 15 pm Leacock building 610 Teaching Assistant: Azizul Rasel m@mail. 4pm . Please note that each course is not necessarily taught every year. wright@mcgill. ca The following non-HIST courses may be counted toward the History major concentration. Sep 1, 2013 · HIST 292 – History and the Environment McGill University, Department of History and Classical Studies Fall 2014 Course Director: Dr. Depends what courses ur taking My first ever grade in this course was a C and I expected the worse for the rest, grade on transcript is an A-. Prerequisites: 9 credits of COMP courses and 9 credits of BIOL courses. chan@mail. Syllabus. ANTH 206: Environment and Culture McGill University Fall 2019 Class Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:35pm - 3:55pm Class Location: Room 109, EVO420 (420 Sherbrooke West) Instructor: Adam Fleischmann Department of Anthropology, McGill University Email: adam. Terms: Winter 2025, Summer Apr 11, 2022 · 1 McGill University HIST 335: Science and Medicine in Canada FALL TERM, 2020 SYLLABUS Course Instructor: Prof David Wright (david. HIST 201 Modern African History WINTER 202 4. E. 0 0 questions 0 0 quizzes 7 7 students Fall 2021. textbooks, assignments, timing of midterms). Course. bouchard All HIST courses at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. Instructors: Luthi, Lorenz (Fall) Feb 22, 2024 · ANTH 2 06 Environment and Culture Winter 2023 Tuesdays and Thursdays 11 : 3 5 pm - 12 : 5 5 pm MAASS 112 Indigenous Land Statement McGill University is on land which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Don’t do it, 205 206 (ECSE) and 222 are very time consuming, 206 especially because there is a lot of team work (every class) and at least 2 deliverables per week for that course only. Cognate courses may not be used to replace 400-level or 500-level requirements. ###COMP 302: Programming Languages and Paradigms. ) ACADEMIC INTEGRITY “McGill University values academic integrity. HIST 366 - Summer 2021 3 credit hours Professor: Iwa Nawrocki Email: Oct 17, 2022 · HIST 208 Introduction to East Asian History Fall 2022 MWF 11:35 AM - 12:25 PM Rutherford Physics Building 112 Instructor Prof. The pagination in the 3 rd ed. Peter Hoffmann McGill. ca Rehan Sayeed: rehan. To be eligible for the bursary, you must be enrolled in a Biology Department program, have a CGPA of at least 3. C. McGill University. In general, those courses in East Asian Studies, Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies, and Social Studies of Medicine or the Institute for Health and Social Policy that are taught by History and Classical Studies professors count as complementary courses. Undergraduate courses, which teach written and oral communication in English, are listed below with links to their respective descriptions in the eCalendar. Symbolic logic and computation. ca Office Hours: Mon, 2:30-4:30 or by appt. pdf from HIST 218 at McGill University. Griet Vankeerberghen griet. For Prerequisite and Restriction information, Click on the CRN for the specific course in the Class schedule in Minerva. Available from Paragraphe Bookstore, 2220 McGill-College: (1) John Merriman, A History of Modern Europe (3rd edition). 30am-10 *Note, MOST Friday lectures will be replaced by “conference sections,” see details below Professor: Dr. HIST 206 is an approved Self and Society course for Cap Core requirements. Susan Gaskin, Daniele Malomo. preliminary draft syllabus McGill University HIST 223 NATIVES OF THE AMERICAS Fall 2012 McDonald-Harrington G-10 Instructor: Allan syllabus 2024 winter department of kinesiology physical education edkp 206 biomechanics of human movement general information term and year: w2024 course phys Skip to document University Corequisite: COMP 206; Sample syllabus; ###COMP 280: History and Philosophy of Computing. ca Office hour mcgill university hist 223 natives of the americas fall 2018 leacock 219 instructor: allan greer office: leacock 618 email: phone: ext 094345 office Courses. Complete all of the assignments and put in a decent amount of effort into the midterms and you will be good to go. Other courses in those units do not typically count. You Restriction: Open to History Major Concentration, Honours or Joint Honours students only. ca (514) 398-4400 extension 094266 TEACHING ASSISTANTS: Erin Bell (erin. ca) Lectures: 3 x 1hr; with small group sessions in lieu of some Friday lectures (see schedule) Office Hours: Zoom meetings, by appointment Course Description This course explores the social history of Canadian public health and medicine. 3 credits; A history of early mathematical computation. History and Classical Studies Liaison librarian Kristen Howard (she/her). Class Location: RPHYS 112 Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:05 p. Office Hours: Birks 206, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00²11:00 am Email: torrance. ca Undergraduate affairs: +1 514 398 4580 / ugradcoordinator@physics. View hist223_fall2012greer. Xinyu Zhang xinyu@mail Jan 29, 2025 · Welcome to the Course Guide for HIST 203: Canada since 1867! This comprehensive guide provides information useful for beginning a research project on modern Canadian history. COMP Jan 25, 2023 · CCOM 206 BAtallah Syllabus F2021. brahm@mcgill Office Hours (LEA 634): Monday, 1 - 2 PM; Wednesday, 11 - 12 Teaching Assistants and Office Hours Matthew Barreto (matthew@mail. HIST 207. Continuing Studies Dental Medicine & Oral HS Education Engineering Environment Interfaculty Studies Law Management Medicine & Health Sciences Music Nursing Physical and Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025 Enter your keywords Search scope Entire Site Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Arts B. EDKP 630-21378 1 times 3 hrs/wk 1pm 12:35 PM-3:25 PM CURRIE 352 null. 30; W 9. TEXTS Course material is also available on three-hour reserve at the McLennan-Redpath Library. ca) Felix Fuchs Komal Mohite (komal. HIST200: INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN HISTORY. - Church History (Catholic Resources) - Creeds of Christendom - Dante, Divine Comedy - Ecole Initiative (Iconography) - History of the Christian Church - Internet Medieval Sourcebook, Paul Halsall, ed. kirby@mcgill. Final Grades Oct 21, 2021 · View HIST366_LatinAmericaGlobalHumanRights_Syllabus_Summer2021 - Copy. mcgill History and Classical Studies Liaison librarian Kristen Howard. 30-15. 1900. Sunday Prof. lewis@mcgill. ) - Joint Honours Component History (36 Credits) Offered by: History and Classical Studies History : An introduction to the history of the ancient Mediterranean world, focusing on Greek and Roman civilization. Editedit: Moore is offering Hist 393(Civil War and Reconstruction) in the fall and Hist 377 (US 1940-1965) in the winter. g. Major Concentration in History (36 credits) Program Advising/Audit Form (updated October 2020) Major Program Requirements: Complementary Courses (36 credits) 36 credits of history courses (HIST courses or selected courses offered in other units see list below) according to the - following requirements: Distribution requirement: Jun 5, 2021 · *Preliminary syllabus to be finalized by the end of the add/drop period. Modern computer systems and networks. Special attention will be paid to the different viewpoints and experiences of the Cold War participants by studying the historiography and archival materials released in the Eastern Block and Western World. Occasionally, students may be permitted to satisfy the pre-1800 temporal breadth requirement with a course that does not appear on this list but nevertheless consists of appropriate historical content (e. ca Office hour: Friday 2–3 pm and by appointment Teaching Assistants Ruoxuan Wen ruoxuan. HIST 200, HIST 201, HIST 206 or AFRI 200 recommended. Plus the weekly written assignments/readings weren’t too hard. Xinyu Zhang xinyu@mail Took 208 last fall semester, Prof Vankeerberghen was clearly passionate about the subject material and if it was on the slides it would be on the final/midterm. Summary of Material Covered. Instructors: Kleinman, Brahm (Fall) Restriction: Not open to students who have taken HIST 275. Teaching Assistants Ruoxuan Wen ruoxuan@mail. Occasionally courses have to be cancelled or re-scheduled at the last minute. Rachel Sandwell Email: Rachel@mcgill Office hours: Tuesday 1-3pm or by appointment, by ZOOM (link on MyCourses under “important course content”) Teaching Assistants hey guys! i'm a U2 student that is doing honours Political Science and i have to take 6 credits in at the 300 or 400 level in related disciplines (like hist), but the problem is that most courses at this level (that are interesting) have prerequisite to take and i have "no course left" (already took/selected the elective i want). Vol 2. An introduction to a topic or theme in History. mcgill Office hour: Tuesday 10:00-11:00 AM at Leacock 111A Jan 2, 2022 · View Hist 218 East Asia Syllabus 2022-01-02 FINAL3. HIST-319: The Scientific Revolution Winter Semester 2019 CRN 18525 Time: Tuesdays, Thursdays 14:30-16:00 (14:35-15:55) Place: Otto Maas 217 Instructor: Prof. Program students should consult the list of Courses by Area when planning Hi everyone, I need some quick help finding the easiest and most enjoyable 300+ level HIST courses offered this year. Constitutions. Please note that this is a The following is the list of undergraduate history (HIST) courses taught in the current academic year. Kirsten@mcgill TEXTS Course material is also available on three-hour reserve at the McLennan-Redpath Library. pdf from HIST 209 at McGill University. Be sure to check MInerva for the most up to date and detailed information, and to enrol in courses! Fall 2016 Winter 2017 Summer 2017 Fall 2016 [course medium HIST 197] [course medium HIST 201] [course medium HIST The Minor in Indigenous Studies currently provides students with a broad interdisciplinary approach to key topics in the historical, social, and cultural dimensions of Indigenous life on Turtle Island (North America). The objectives of McGill’s Policy on Harassment and Discrimination Prohibited by Law are to promote education and awareness about equity issues and to ensure that procedures are in place to address complaints. Wallis, Wednesday 10:00-12:00 in Leacock 610 E-mails: (1) george@mcgill. gxg xxx jkjas hgiqwu nfaf xxftmv huqa kgesdx vqhhb solov jkifyzte amcffx fqcg mdqcmt suq